Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Long time no write...

Wow..been a few months since my last blog...hmmm..let me think of some excuses..the kids are having their summer break, so was busy bringing them out to keep them occupied, couldn't afford the summer camp over here, kalau tak dah lama hantar. So brought them to the museums (the interesting ones only..), parks, funfairs, beaches and all those places which were packed with tourists during this hot, blazing hot summer. It was really hot..hotter than Malaysia, at times. Did avoid those really hot days with the heatwave warning. Chose to stay home instead, watching movies and catching up with their reading and math..which was not an easy task...suruh jer buat kerja, sakit perut la, letih la..kalau mengadap tv or computer, sihat jer...:)). Now since it is fasting month, decided to stay home most of the time. With the heat and the longer hours of fasting (around 4.30 am to 8 pm), don't think the kids would want to continue fasting if we were to go out.

Now, as I am typing this, our windows are being cleaned by our doorman who is looking for some extra money. Nak raya kan, rumah kena la extra bersih sikit...takling about raya, still not sure of what to cook for raya. Plus honestly speaking, I am in no mood to "beraya". Really want to go back to Malaysia for raya but it's too far and too soon plus too expensive. Plus it will be the first time raya without my mom around, so it will be hard for me and for my family. But as my brother puts it..we have to move on and some things we have to do it the hard and difficult way.

Last Friday, my son ran into a wall and got a HUGE, DEEP cut on his left eyebrow. We were having iftar at hubby's office and he was playing with a few friends. Rushed him to the ER and got ten stitches!! He was bleeding quite badly, blood on his shirt, blood on his pants and blood on his stomach..it was not a pretty sight. On the way to the hospital, while crying, he was asking me whether I would forgive him for not being a good boy...Oh, dear..it was heart-wrenching to see my son in that condition...now he is recovering, the swelling has subside but the stitches would take a few more days before dissolving or falling off or something like that...Guess he would have to raya with a scar on his eyebrow.

Ok, that's all for now..actually am forcing myself to type this, no mood to blog but no excuses..write away!!!!

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