Monday, December 19, 2011


Tomorrow I am going to get a mammogram and an ultrasound as OBGYN said even though I am not forty yet(alah..tiga tahun jer lagi..), because of family history, I would have to get the mammogram done earlier and it has to be an annual routine. Well, I am nervous because I know my two 'sisters' will be compressed and the plates are cold, pkus the cold bbbrrrr weather is not going to help at all! Imagining it is going to be like a panini press! I am not supposed to put any lotion, deodorant or talcum on that area and the armpit. Alamak, ketiak basah la jawabnyer esok, not from the heat, coz sejuk now..but because of the nervousness! Please let it be ok and not that painful. And hopefully the result will be okay, Insya Allah.

My friend's babysitter is being admitted today due to depression and she was having suicidal thoughts. My friend was at the hospital wth her and this girl was really in a bad state. The weird thing is her mom doesn't even bother to come and see her distraught daughter. Her mom lives in Boston and maybe takde duit ke aper or tak sihat nak datang but she didn't even mention of wanting to come but has no means or money to do it. She was just relying on my friend to handle everything, hello.. This is your daughter we are talking aboug..sometimes I don't understand how some people value their family. I don't know so I am trying not to judge but it is just so weird. Your daughter was thinking of killing herself and thereryou are not willing to do anything more than just texting your daughter's employer to know what was going on!! My frIend was kind enough to offer to pay for the mother's fare to come here if she wants to come but she didn't say anything about coming over to look after her flesh and blood!

Ok...time to sleep now. Hopefully I can sleep...

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