Friday, November 23, 2012

Running day today last today I went running at central park..for someone who lives fifteen minutes away from this iconic park of new york city, I am sure a late, very late addition to this popular sport at this popular park...hope that makes sense..hahaha..actually, it is not that I haven't been to central park before..been there tons of time..but not for running..only walking and strolling and people watching. So now since I am determined to start running and son dearest is also in his school running team and it was such a nice day today, we decided to go running. My daughter went as well and as usual she would be sprinting away, (running is her way of walking)and I was shouting from behind, asking her to slow was a good run and I was sweating which is really hard to do in fall or winter...there was a lot of people running and was happy to finally be part of the "group". Hopefully this new hobby will last even though not sure when the next time I can go running at the park as the temperature will be dropping starting from tomorrow. Well, if there is a will, there is a way right? Talking about will, boy, did I have a lot of will power is BLACK FRIDAY!!! And I didnt set foot in any store.!!!..walking to and from central park, we passed through so many shops and there were people everywhere with shopping bags and there were sale signs everywhere in every single corner!! Arghh!! Wish I could go but then was thinking that there wasn't anything that I REALLY want or need for now and don't really want to drag the kids and brave the crowd..they will be whining till my eardrums burst anyway plus the "banker" is at work today despite the thanksgiving holidays!! So no black friday for me then.. Hopefully tomorrow wil still ada some leftovers..:)).. Willpower for tomorrow lain cerita..:)) Smile and the world will smile with you!!!!


  1. Best nya boleh jalan pergi-balik central park...I always loved seeing people run or jalan-jalan in central park, in the movies la hehe..
    Sejuk sekarang kan? I'm still imagining you walking through shops...tiba2 terasa nak pegi sana pulak :P

    1. Dalam movies nampak peaceful real life, berduyun duyun orang..hahha...mcm tadi punya la ramai orang, nak lari pun kena pegi the proper running place, kalau tak dukmlari celah celah orang..
      Now it is getting colder..tak tahan rasanyer..walking outside the shops jer, tak masuk coz bau peluh and takder duit,.heheh...
