Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Was down and out

Demam!!!! Selsema!!!! Was sick since Saturday.. Now better, Alhamdulillah, cuma demam still on and off. Now it is the flu season, and me being so malas, didn't get the flu shot, so now paying the price for it. The kids got their jabs so Alhamdulillah, they are doing fine so far. So the weekend, duk rumah, can't do anything, well, it was too cold to go out anyway but had to miss out on a lunch invitation by a Malaysian friend of ours. I was looking forward to such gathering because we can meet up and catch up and the kids would always have fun playing sesama Malaysians (they are the only Malaysians in their school, so sekali sekala jumpa geng sekampung, mestilah happy) plus the food is always good and delicious! Oh well, what to do. But on Monday night, had to fight the sickness to go out jugak because we have bought tickets to see the Harlem Globe Trotters at Madison Square Garden..rugi ooo kalau tak pergi, so I had to pull out all the strength that I had, or rather what is left, in my body to go. Once we were there, rasa macam ok, ye la, excited punya pasal, siap jerit2 and once, we got up and danced..hmm... Bila balik, I just realised that I was still sick. The next day I was back again, lying on the couch with tissues in my hand and feeling like a zombie with all the medication. Hubby dearest took over in the kitchen for three days...:). Thank you darling! The kids supposed to be on their mid winter break for a week, but kena ganti three days of school because of Hurricane Sandy where they were off for a week. Nope, they are definitely not happy about it. Well...what to do....ok, time for my meds again...


  1. This was my earlier comment;

    Hi, I hope you are feeling better. Down with flu is bad but better than having a prolonged cough. Penat perut leh ada six pax. ehehehe...lucky you for having a husband who's handy in the kitchen :) You visited my blog. Thank u! Am returning the courtesy.

    So, you live in US? Awesome!!

  2. Hi! Thank you for visiting..:)) Alhamdulillah dah ok but now hubby pulak yang down and out... Dah dua hari cuti, nurse mode on..:)). Yup, in US for now, but hopefully this year blh balik for good, miss home sssooo much..:(. And all the glorious food..:))

  3. I teringin nak pegi tah bila lah mampu nak sampai. uhuhuhu...good to know everything is ok. But yeah...benda tu akan pass around. happy nursing dear. :)
