Monday, May 3, 2010

friendly people..

Today, I met a few friendly people. I was waiting in line at the post office and this lady who was behind me started talking about the weather (that is always the opening line) and we just hit it off. I mean it was a short conversation but it was really nice talking to her. Plus she gave me tips where to find designer clothes at a fraction of the price. Yeay!!! She told me that she heard a Malaysian singer at a jazz bar in town and she was good. Too bad she didn't remember her name. And we talked about going to the gym. Well, she talked about going to gym and she goes EVERYDAY!!! As for me, nada!!! I just do it at home. I find it intimidating to go to the gym, takut orang tengok la, malu la. Perasan jer, padahal no one cares really..anyway, I just do my pilates at home.... Anyway, back to the nice lady, she is a freelance art director. Not really sure how that works, but it sounds interesting. After saying good bye to her, got my stamps (chit-chatted with the lady at the stamps counter for a bit, she's friendly too) , I went to do some groceries and this nice man working there asked me how was my day. And I sort of blurted out that I was feeling tired because last night I didn't have enough sleep. I think he asked me out of courtesy, but when I told him that, he seemed really concerned and wished me well and hoped I can get a good rest tonight. Somehow it made me feel good. I guess meeting friendly people is good for your health and what is even healthier is that we can be friendly ourselves. But that comes with some consequences as not everybody is friendly, so sometimes we would end up being like a fool if orang tak layan our friendliness..but there is no harm trying.

Smiles make the world go round...

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