Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's day...

Had a wonderful mother's day yesterday. Woken up by hubby and kids barging into the room, shouting mother's day..yep..woke up late yesterday..mother's day what!! kasi can la..anyway, my son was complaining that mommy's mouth stinks (whose doesn't in the morning? All the stories which show people waking up in the morning and kissing each other is total bulls**t..heheh). I got a really cute picture frame and a few cards, even got one from hubby (that's a first!). Then hubby made breakfast (well, weekends are always his cooking anyway) and then went out for lunch and watched Iron Man 2. As usual, my son didn't want to go and was making a big fuss about wanting to stay home during weekends and relaxing. I had a slow talk with him and said I really wanted to spend this day with my family and by that I mean, watching Iron Man..:)). So we went and he did enjoy it!!!

Happy as I was yesterday, it was a bittersweet day actually. This is the first year that I couldn't wish my mom happy mother's day and only God knows how much I miss her. The hard part is that whenever I think of her, I think of all the suffering that she went through and wish that she didn't have to go through all those things. For me, my mom had a hard life and just when I thought things were getting better for her, she was hit with the cancer episode. But God knows what is the best for us and whom am I to decide what is good and what is bad and what is unfair? I can just hope and pray that she is in a better place now. I really miss you, Ibu, I really do and I love you..Happy Mother's Day...

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