Wednesday, May 16, 2012

still clueless

Was looking at some writing contests but somehow i don't have the courage to enter and at the same time, my lack of motivation is a big hurdle...i wish that God can show me what i am supposed to do, am i supposed to be writing, working or doing something else..i can't be content with just being a stay at home mom right? Or can I? Coz in my mind, a stay at home mom is not cool or great enough but actually the problem with me is that i don't have a talent or skill like baking, cooking, knitting( well, truthfully do know how to knit , at least the basic but can't find the drive to continue plus dont see the point.. That is another problem of mine, not seeing the point of doing certain things especially if it doesn't give immediate results) and now back to the list if talents that I don't have..decorating, design and so on and so forth.. side point : now using the wireless mac keyboard hubby gave me for mother's day so maybe that will give me the much needed push to wtite more, comes another excuse..typing on the ipad keyboard is a bit difficult..but actually it is true, i feel more comfortable typing now, plus maybe the fact that i am now sitting on a chair and not slumped in front of the tv with the ipad on my lap. ok, back to what i want to do with my life..saw that a cousin is now working with the perdana global peace foundation..i think that is something that i might be interested in being involved but have to be more abreast with the the world issues la kan? so have to cut down all the series that I like to watch..luckily DH dah abih so that is off the al jazeera is on, so that is a good start i guess. watching the crisis in africa is down right sad and i feel bad for what is happening over there and here I am sometimes envying people that can afford LV about being shallow.. another side point..accidentally press a button and out came a song from my! i am happy with this keyboard!!!


  1. Niza

    I tabik you for wanting to go work wiht Perdana ...I am too shallow and lazy. I am also like you flailing around to find stuff I want to do. Someone told me u can write on line- ada software for it. Ye ke? Tak tau. And you got a mac on mother's day??!! Wow so zeles!! Goodluck wiht the writing..Im now searching for classes (ahahahah tipu..i am thinking of searching for clases to write etc...)
    If I was a stay at home mom- I'd totally sign up to learn japanese full time.

  2. Hello... Well, i nak keje dgn perdana, perdana nak ke tak I dont know lah, already 12 years tak keje...brain berkarat oredi..:)). Ada software for writing online? Yang i tahu online writing classes no, let me get this straighten out, i got a mac(apple) wireless keyboard, not a mac.. How i wish la kan? Hahaha...dulu i signed up for french classes, masa kat manila, but macam biasa i pegi kejap jer, over here language classes teramatla mahalnyer.. Huhuhu..yang i tahu arigato jer lah.. Hahaha... Thank you for dropping by..:))
