Tuesday, October 16, 2012

tak nak tengok dah adam dan hawa....

ok..actually i didn't want to start watching the hottest drama in malaysia right now because i know, kalau dah start tengok, nanti i nak follow sampai habis plus ada abang AA, nak la tengok kan? sorry Yang..i still love you..:)). anyway, since some of my FB friends duk "promote" AH, thought of oklah, tengok la jugak..but my..selloooowwwwwwww nyer cerita dia...i was jumping from one episode to another. (tengok kat this website, takde tv malaysia kat NY kan..sob..sob..) duk fast forward, just to know the jalan cerita but lama2, it was getting annoying. don't get me wrong, i enjoy watching drama/movie melayu, well at least some of them, lagi2 bila dah duduk overseas, just to hilangkan rindu kat malaysia, but this drama to me, is just exploiting AA fans...some episodes tu, from start to finish, takde substance pun and they are draggggggiiinnnngggg it man, they really are..well that is just my opinion anyway. so now after episode 29, or is it 28, i decided no more..not going to watch it, maybe the last two episodes, heheh, just to know how it ends. Malay movies or dramas have so much room for improvement. the editing is just awful..they don't notice the small stuff. it is either that or they have this attitude of"takpelah, sikit jer, orang tak perasan pun". There was one scene where Dee was talking to her mom and there was a HUGE brown spot on her white bedroom door, macam cat pintu terkopak. come on la, you are this rich girl who drives a convertible BMW and bought your boyfriend rolex watch, anak orang kaya, takkan lah pintu macam tu kat rumah..and then some illogical things.like when ain and azie(boy, that girl is annoying) nak berlepas to Australia (BTW, boleh tak teach some of the actors to pronounce australia as AUStralia, and not OSTROlia?), they had one bag each..nak pergi for a few years and yet bawak satu beg jer? and si ain tu bawak the BIG HUGE teddy bear tu kan? where did she put it la? definitely not in the one small bag she was carrying. talking about the teddy bear, Ain is one confused, messed up girl..if you don't like the guy, do you keep the bear that the SAME guy gave to you? don't think so!! nampak sangat she is fickle minded, ok, ok, maybe the director meant it to be that way but ssssoooo tak masuk akal. again, that is just me. hmm.. what else? there are some scenes, not specifically in this drama, but in others as well, where in one scene, there are so many inconsistencies. for example, a guy was wearing a tie and it was loosened up, but as the scene progresses, you can see the tie elok pulak ikat..i know it takes a few takes to make scene, but the editor should keep an open eye for these small stuff. they matter ok? so, pendek cerita, no more AH for me, prefer to watch elementary or revolution and for my guilty pleasure, revenge.that one is a bit 'soap opera"ish but I LOVE IT!!!! love BUNOHAN!!!


  1. I pernah pergi ostrolia sekali je (ooppss hehe). Anyway, I tak tengok Adam & Hawa. Time, and I'm not sure I have that astro channel anyway hehee....I dengar lebih 100 episodes ye? Wow that's insane. That's totally soap! I pun tak tahan bab dragging dragging ni. Oh Bunohan best eh?? Tengok tu orang overseas pun dah tengok :P

    1. Bunohan best.. Tengok kat youtube i think! And it is nominated for oscar for foreign flim, well, actually for the first level of selection or something like that..so hopefully it goes through..:))

  2. Ibelum tengok lagi you tau tak...and my fb friends promote as well..eh you ada fb ke? add la I ..shila kasim

  3. Tak payah tengok la, buang masa jer AH tu..:)) ok, nanti i'll add you ☺
