Sunday, October 21, 2012

Volunteering is fun and tiring..

Today, I started volunteering at the kids's school's book fair. was tiring. Wth the setting up yesterday and the grand opening today, all the other colunteers and me had our hands full. But it was fun! And i have the whole week next week to do it too..:)). The book fair committee would get books from scholastic and will help sell them and some of the percentage of the sales will go to the school. Well, at least i think that's how it works. See, I wasn't at the meeting as i was asked to do something else that i don't like to do at some other place that i don't like to be at, by somebody that i don't, not form the school, this person is from somewhere i despise this person..anyway....back to the book fair...i love it when the kindergarten kids come to it.not only they look so cute and adorable, (well at least before they started screaming when they don't get to buy the books that they want, or rather the 'non-books' items is more like it, for example the colourful erasers, pointers, pens, pencils and what not), but they are funny too. There was this boy who came to the cash register with money in his hand and just gave it to me without having any books to buy. I told him that he needed to go and choose some books before paying and he gave me this blank and confused look! And he had quite a lot of money in his hand..😀. Someone took him to the books and at last he came back to pay for them witha big smile on his face!!!. And some kids would be bringing $10 and came to the cashier with books worth $40! Boy! That is quite hard explaining to them that they can't buy them all. Usually we would let the teachers do the explaining, we wouldn't want to be the cause of some kids wailing...!!! March on!!!!


  1. Situasi kids tak faham tu macam cute pulak, kelakar pun ya. Kalau I yang terpaksa terangkan kat diaorang, kemungkinan besar secara otomatik I pasang suara cikgi garang huhu..

  2. Hahahaha...i pun ada that garang cikgi voice...
