Thursday, January 28, 2010

First playdate and a lifetime date..

My daughter had her first playdate yesterday ad she had a lot of fun that she didn't want to leave. I came along because since it was her first playdate, I thought I should be there. I was wrong, she had so much fun she didn't need me for anything!!! But it was also good for me as I had the chance to talk to another adult, apart from my husband, about a lot of things. And the girl's mom was so nice and gave me a lot of tips on how to survive New York. We also talked about how we feel that sometimes our husbands are doing enough in terms of helping out with the housework. And the fact that things would changed more dramatically for us, compared for our husbands. when we have kids. Mommies are usually the "bad cops", making sure everybody does everything according to schedules and dads are the "cool guys" who take things easy..way too easy, if you ask me. Still, I am thankful that I have a good husband who is responsible and loves his family. Sure he has his bad habits, but who doesn't? At least his bad habits doesn't include horrible things like drugs, gambling, philadering, smuggling money or being involved in the mafia or something like that! So if you ask me, I don't mind going on a lifetime date with my hubby!

Forever love...

Friday, January 22, 2010

what a smart boy..

Yesterday, I went along on a trip with my son's class to the Museum of New York City. He has been asking for the last few trips for me to volunteer as a chaperone, helping the teacher to handle all the, I should say, always energetic and always-yapping-away kids. So yesterday I agreed to volunteer, along with a few mothers and I glad I made that decision. Not only I made some new friends, I also learned a bit about New York's city planning. The highlight of the day was when my son gave some clever ideas and comments during the discussion with the Museum guide. One of the moms even told him that he is such a smart boy. I am so proud of him and truthfully speaking, I didn't expect such clever ideas would come from him. Not that I am underestimating my own son, but for a eight-year-old boy to come up with those kind of ideas regarding town planning, it was a surprise. I know I wouldn't be able to do that when I was eight! I guess kids never cease to amaze us and what they learn from school or their surroundings are vital to their growth, both emotionally and mentally. Sometimes their take on life is different from us where it is a much more simpler tlife and sometimes it wouldn't hurt for us to see the world from our kids' eyes. For them as long as they have friends, love from everyone around them and toys, of course, they are happy. Not too say that life is that simple, but how I wish sometimes it is.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

what to write today????

I was reading other people's blogs and was (still am actually) jealous of their wonderful and exciting writing. Not only that, their blogs are sssooo colourful and cute, with pictures, links etc..etc..I am still trying to figure out how to download templates, backgrounds, headers and what not. Have to be patient and have perseverance. Now am clueless of what to, my daughter is sick today so she stays at home. She was crying this morning because she WANTS to go to school..yep, that's her..ever ethusiastic when it comes to school. She is six so I guess school is a fun and happy place, with friends and colourful books and little homework..not like when you are in middle or high school or college for that matter,where books are full of words and well, also with pictures, but boring ones ad homework that will take you a lifetime to finish!!!! I hope that she will be as enthusiastic about school later in the future as she is now.

I was contemplating of doing my masters but when I remember all the reading and doing endless assignments that I went through for my degree, I don't think that is a wise decision. I know that it is a good investment but it is just not for me (at least not for now..never say never right?..). I still have nightmares of not studying for my tests, somehow the dreams were always about math tests. I was, well. ok have to admit that stilll am terrible at Math, and I always have these dreams that the math teacher had gone AWOL for a long time and suddenly we have a test! I would be sweating and freaking out. Such bless when I woke up and realised that it was just a dream and smile broadly knowing I don't have to go through that again! No more tests, exams, all those unsettling feeling when you leave your homework to the last minute (did that a lot!).

Ok, so now I am going to try and decorate my blog..

Wonderful life..

Monday, January 18, 2010


Today, I went to a demonstration on how to cook couscous. At first, I wasn't really keen of going since I had tasted couscous before and didn't really like it. But by the end of the day, I was glad I went because this particular couscous, cooked by an excellent Moroccan cook, was DELICIOUS. Plus she used veal..any red meat is fine with me. The meat was so tender, the vegetables were perfect and the the taste was just exquisite. I guess giving something a second chance is not so bad at all. Some things and some people do deserve a second chance.First impression is important indeed but if it is not up to your expectation, it doesn't mean it should just end there. I am new in NY so I do meet a lot of new people everyday, trying to make new friends. Some people don't really make great first impressions but maybe it is because they are shy and not because they are arrogant. Come to think of it, there are times when I gave bad first impressions, not because I was arrogant ( I like to think of myself as a very nice person), but because I was shy or because I woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning! So I think everybody deserves a second chance including couscous...

Love all around....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

First time...

This is my first time blogging ever since I arrived in the Big Apple...and to make a fresh start I created a new blog. Am not really sure what I am going to blog about so I guess going with the flow is the best option for me now. My dream to be a writer is still a dream (so far..). Who knows NYC could make my dream come true..I know I have to make my dream come true so I was just speaking metaphorically..

The title "write away" actually is a reminder to myself that I should do something about my dream to be a writer RIGHT AWAY, RIGHT NOW because I have been procrastinating for quite a here I am writing more excuses of :

a) not having enough time (people would tell me "You have all the time in the are a stay-at-home!"...well, it is not as easy as it sounds..I am sure many would agree with me if anybody would ever read my blog..which brings us to my second excuse..)

b) nobody would read me and I would be feeling insignificant and foolish and eventually would give up..but then, if there are people who reads this blog of mine, they would be..(on to my third excuse..)

c) thinking that I am a bad and terrible blogger who doesn't know what she is doing and they would be so bored reading my blog that they would stop reading it, which brings us to my second point!

Okay, so now no more of those excuses and this is my new point-of-view..(and since it is the second week of January, my new year resolution is still fresh..)...EVEN THOUGH I REALLY DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH SPARE TIME AS PEOPLE WOULD THINK BEING A HOMEMAKER, I WILL BE MAKING TIME TO BLOG AND EVEN IF NO ONE WOULD READ ME OR THEY STOPPED READING AFTER DECIDING THAT MY BLOG IS RUBBISH, I WILL STILL BE WRITING AWAY BECAUSE I WANT TO...

P/S: One thing bugging me right now, the "N" button on my keypad is not functioning very well..(not an excuse to stop blogging, just an excuse to get a new laptop!!!)
