Monday, February 22, 2010


At last I got to watch Avatar, and it was in 3D, in IMAX theatre. It was really worth the 63 bucks my hubby had to fork out for the four of us. But it nearly didn't happen because my son was adamant that he didn't want to watch the movie that has scary-looking people in it. He was being so stubborn, even though we bribed him with the promise to buy him a SMALL toy later, he still didn't want to go. Since I don't have the luxury of having a nanny to leave him with, he had to come or we had to stay home. My hubby and me even threatened (yes, we were that desperate!!!) not to buy him his LEGO for his 9th birthday or any presents for the next ten years. Guess what he told us "It's okay, I can live with that" and he was screaming on top of his lungs, saying that he didn't want to go. My neighbours might think there was some child being abused in our house!!!!Argh!!!! So we said we'd just go for lunch. Over lunch at a Japanese restaurant (my sons loves the california rolls, so the bribing was still on going), we tried to talk him into going to watch the movie. Of course, he still said no and I told him that we wouldn't be going to Toys-R-Us then, which was nearby. The temptation was too great to resist I think, coz it is after all the biggest toy store in the world!!! So at last he agreed. Phew! My hubby quickly went and bought the tickets, just in case the dear son of ours would change his mind again.

After the movie, I asked him whether he liked it, he said yes. "And were the people scary-looking?", I asked with gritted teeth. "Nope", he said and reminded us of the promise. So off we went to Toys-R-Us to buy his-not-too-small-toy . Well, at the end of the day, everybody got what they wanted, especially my six-year-old daughter, who got to "tumpang" her brother's treat and got her own toy without doing anything! I think it is the most expensive movie outing for us but it was worth it. It is such a great movie but it made me think how greedy and selfish human being can be. Why fix or rather "kacau" something which is not broken and doesn't even belong to you? Do we ever learn from our mistakes?

Peace for all....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I feel her pain..

One of my dearest friends lost her husband to cancer yesterday. My heart goes out to her, I know how it feels to lose someone close to you to the deadly disease. Even though we lost different people to different type of cancer, we went through the same roller coaster ride, the ups and downs, the hopes restored and then being dashed again and again. When my mom told me that she had cancer, everything changed. Things were never the same again. She went for the operation and went through chemo and radiotherapy and other types of therapy. Seeing her went through all that just broke my heart. Sometimes I wished I could just trade places with her. All I could do was to make anything and everything easier for her and took care of her the best way I knew how. Life was very grim and to find a little light somehow was very hard. I knew my friend went through the same thing, taking care of her husband. The frustrations when the doctors told us that the cancer came back or had spread or the tumor grew, all the bad news felt too much to bear. The countless trips to the hospital, various medicines to be taken were too much for me, what more for my mother. On the few last days of her life, she was in such an uncomfortable state, she had to wear diapers because she was too weak to go to the toilet, she couldn't eat (appetite was non-existent), her back hurt as she couldn't change her position on the bed and her breathing was really really bad as her lungs were basically being eaten away by the cancer cells. I prayed to God to give the best for her even if it meant taking her life away. I couldn't bear to see my mother suffer anymore. God took her a few days later and I felt as if my life ended there. My mother is no longer here. But I know that she will always be in my heart. One thing that I think is good is that I got to spend time with her and asked for forgiveness and told her that I love her. That was what I told my friend that we got all those times to do what we wanted to do or say because we knew the time we had with them was limited and it was a very precious time indeed. I really hope my friend has the strength and is given the tranquility to be in this very trying time of her life...

May God bless their souls...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Someone is out there

Today I got my first comment..I know I said I don't care if no one reads my blog, I'd still be writing. Well, if someone does read me, then it is a plus point....Yipee!!!! Thank you for making my day a better one. Well, sometimes it doesn't take much to make me happy. A simple nice gesture or simply a smile can brighten up my day and I am sure, others too. Actually, small honest gestures, done frequently, are much more effective than one big one, once in a blue moon. Valentine's day coming up where everyone is showing their love. But it shouldn't be a once-a-year thingy. It should be done everyday and I don't mean showering your loved ones with flowers and chocs every single day (even though I don't really mind that, but then, chocs everyday = bigger butt???), just little things like saying I love you and thank you. I know everyone knows this but I think everyone needs to be reminded once in a while, including your truly....

Smile and say cheese...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I gotta a feeling...

I have been having this bad feeling for the past three days, my heart is pounding. Somewhere back in my mind, I know that something is unsettled. Yesterday, I had a dentist's appointment, well, that could have contributed to the bad feeling, who likes to go to the dentist anyway, right? That is done (with some degree of pain involved, of course!) but the bad feeling continues today...on Monday, my son twisted his ankle during dance class, maybe he was dancing really hard to impress somebody but it was just a slight sprain so he is okay now. My husband's account got "robbed" by someone who somehow got hold of his account details, and maybe made a fake copy of his credit card and have been happily swiping it away at the stores!!!! Damn you who is doing this!!!! and lat night I got another shocking news from someone, so shocking that when I woke up this morning, I was wishing really hard that it was just a bad dream...but sadly, it isn't. I had that feeling before, wishing that it isn't real. That was when my mom told me that she had breast cancer. She had operation but since hers was already at stage four, chemo and other treatments didn't really do much to cure her. Every morning I woke up, hoping that I was only in a long nightmare and it would be gone once the morning came. Time was hard for me but it was even harder for my mom, obviously. She was tough, she has always been tough and I really admire that. Ok, that story would have to be in another post. As for now, I still have that bad feeling and hopefully it would go away soon because I don't know how to handle this pounding heart of mine....

Life is a battlefield...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

baby steps...

Today, I started writing the plot for my book but somehow I am still doubting whether this is what I am supposed to be doing. Why I started today? Because yesterday hubby came back with a brand new folder for new with a thick stack of paper, so no more excuses!!! But as I started the plot, not only it became "so-out-of-focus", I think it became another storyline altogether. But I read somewhere that even if it happens, just carry on. You can go back to it later to edit. Just let the thoughts flow, don't worry about the grammar, sentence structure and all that stuff yet. ok, I am making baby steps now and nothing should get in my way including the anger from getting that annoying phone call from that annoying woman earlier..

Carry on...

what am i doing here?

today, i got a call from a lady whom i barely knew and she started rambling about how miserable her life is and she is not happy with everything around her. I just sat there and listened, but i felt that i was in a nightmare, listening to her..and could not get out of it!!!!!! she went on and on and on...seriously, suck it up woman..other people have more serious problem than yours (her first problem was that she didn't like the new stove that her landlord gave her!!!!). Come on!!!!! I didn't talk much or ask her many questions, hoping that she would take the hint and stop. Gosh, she is really densed!!!! She went on for nearly 50 minutes!!!! And I only met her for maybe four times!!! We aren't exactly buddies. She also told me that she made a sacrifice coming here, following her husband for his posting. well, that I can understand because I am also making that sacrifice but I just kept it to myself. I know I am cruel but she is not the type of friends that I usually have. Well, maybe in the future, in another blog, she might be my best friend already (never say never) but as for know, I am trying a keep a distance from her....

Leave me alone....