Thursday, February 4, 2010

what am i doing here?

today, i got a call from a lady whom i barely knew and she started rambling about how miserable her life is and she is not happy with everything around her. I just sat there and listened, but i felt that i was in a nightmare, listening to her..and could not get out of it!!!!!! she went on and on and on...seriously, suck it up woman..other people have more serious problem than yours (her first problem was that she didn't like the new stove that her landlord gave her!!!!). Come on!!!!! I didn't talk much or ask her many questions, hoping that she would take the hint and stop. Gosh, she is really densed!!!! She went on for nearly 50 minutes!!!! And I only met her for maybe four times!!! We aren't exactly buddies. She also told me that she made a sacrifice coming here, following her husband for his posting. well, that I can understand because I am also making that sacrifice but I just kept it to myself. I know I am cruel but she is not the type of friends that I usually have. Well, maybe in the future, in another blog, she might be my best friend already (never say never) but as for know, I am trying a keep a distance from her....

Leave me alone....


  1. Ya poor know though, you may have helped her by just listening so in her book you must be a heroine or something..he he. You did good!

  2. Hi there..sorry, I am not good wih this blog thingy, so just realised that somebody actually commented on my writing..hehe..sorry again..

    well, that was the least I could do..i.e listened..kesian la jugak kat dia but she called me at the wrong time..i was sleeping coz of my headache and she was going on and on and on...hehe..
