Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I gotta a feeling...

I have been having this bad feeling for the past three days, my heart is pounding. Somewhere back in my mind, I know that something is unsettled. Yesterday, I had a dentist's appointment, well, that could have contributed to the bad feeling, who likes to go to the dentist anyway, right? That is done (with some degree of pain involved, of course!) but the bad feeling continues today...on Monday, my son twisted his ankle during dance class, maybe he was dancing really hard to impress somebody but it was just a slight sprain so he is okay now. My husband's account got "robbed" by someone who somehow got hold of his account details, and maybe made a fake copy of his credit card and have been happily swiping it away at the stores!!!! Damn you who is doing this!!!! and lat night I got another shocking news from someone, so shocking that when I woke up this morning, I was wishing really hard that it was just a bad dream...but sadly, it isn't. I had that feeling before, wishing that it isn't real. That was when my mom told me that she had breast cancer. She had operation but since hers was already at stage four, chemo and other treatments didn't really do much to cure her. Every morning I woke up, hoping that I was only in a long nightmare and it would be gone once the morning came. Time was hard for me but it was even harder for my mom, obviously. She was tough, she has always been tough and I really admire that. Ok, that story would have to be in another post. As for now, I still have that bad feeling and hopefully it would go away soon because I don't know how to handle this pounding heart of mine....

Life is a battlefield...


  1. Oh sorry to hear abt your mom...hows yr mom doing now?

  2. Hi there..thanks for dropping by. Unfortunately, she didn't make it. She passed away three months ago.
