Monday, February 22, 2010


At last I got to watch Avatar, and it was in 3D, in IMAX theatre. It was really worth the 63 bucks my hubby had to fork out for the four of us. But it nearly didn't happen because my son was adamant that he didn't want to watch the movie that has scary-looking people in it. He was being so stubborn, even though we bribed him with the promise to buy him a SMALL toy later, he still didn't want to go. Since I don't have the luxury of having a nanny to leave him with, he had to come or we had to stay home. My hubby and me even threatened (yes, we were that desperate!!!) not to buy him his LEGO for his 9th birthday or any presents for the next ten years. Guess what he told us "It's okay, I can live with that" and he was screaming on top of his lungs, saying that he didn't want to go. My neighbours might think there was some child being abused in our house!!!!Argh!!!! So we said we'd just go for lunch. Over lunch at a Japanese restaurant (my sons loves the california rolls, so the bribing was still on going), we tried to talk him into going to watch the movie. Of course, he still said no and I told him that we wouldn't be going to Toys-R-Us then, which was nearby. The temptation was too great to resist I think, coz it is after all the biggest toy store in the world!!! So at last he agreed. Phew! My hubby quickly went and bought the tickets, just in case the dear son of ours would change his mind again.

After the movie, I asked him whether he liked it, he said yes. "And were the people scary-looking?", I asked with gritted teeth. "Nope", he said and reminded us of the promise. So off we went to Toys-R-Us to buy his-not-too-small-toy . Well, at the end of the day, everybody got what they wanted, especially my six-year-old daughter, who got to "tumpang" her brother's treat and got her own toy without doing anything! I think it is the most expensive movie outing for us but it was worth it. It is such a great movie but it made me think how greedy and selfish human being can be. Why fix or rather "kacau" something which is not broken and doesn't even belong to you? Do we ever learn from our mistakes?

Peace for all....


  1. We watched Avatar 3D waaay after everyone else did! Sebab I pun was put-off by the blue elongated aliens when watching the trailer..but too many good reviews from friends so we went. Yes, I totally love Jakesully (the Avatar) he heee..

  2. Handsome kan???? hehe...I think many people tengok this movie over and over coz we watched it two weeks ago, kira dah lambat la, but the movie theatre still full-house...and it is a very big theatre..

  3. your son was right though.. it WAS full of scary looking people....heh heh!

  4. superwomanwannabe..he ended up watching the movie wearing my sunglasses...!!! and the 3D glasses on top of that...:)
