Monday, March 15, 2010

have to be motivated to stay motivated

Today, I am feeling super duper depressed...well, have been feeling like this on and off for quite some time..and I am trying hard to stay positive. I am thankful with what I have now, a great hubby, two wonderful healthy kids, great family and friends. But I am feeling like I have to do something more with my life...I am trying to write and to be a writer but I am just so lazy sometimes to do anything about it and I know NO ONE CAN HELP ME EXCEPT MYSELF on that matter. I have written bits and pieces here and there but nothing substantial..I am feeling so lost. Over here, I have nobody to talk too, except for hubby and I don't want to be bothering him with my problems so much..besides I need somebody different that I could talk too. God knows how lonely I am feeling right now...

I am trying to stay positive..I remember helping a blind woman not long ago to cross the street. She was going to the UPS store and all she had was a dog to lead the way and she seemed to be happy. God knows what she went through but if she can be outside and finding her way around, I am pretty sure I could do much more right? But sometimes I tend to forget things like that, I mean to look around and see that other people are in much more difficult situations and they managed to survive. I saw a video about this guy who doesn't have any arms and legs, and he said it is not easy not to be bitter about life but he decided not to be bitter, just to be better. I really admire his courage, he has only limbs but he does try to do normal things like normal people and I think he is doing a good job at it.

The feeling of being lost and lonely is bugging me right now and I don't know how to deal with it. I pray to God that he would show me the way as only He knows what is best for me. But I also have to do my part by staying positive and try my hardest to achieve what I want, whatever that maybe.

Nothing is what it seems...


  1. hello niza... sorry lah i lambat reply to ur blog here my internet connection prob lah here coz im staying with my mom in gombk temp nih, late i email u ek my story..

    neways, i paham sgt u rasa 'lonely' tu and i wld LOVE to be ur 'somebody diff to talk to' tuh hehehehe... anytime u can email me or FB me, even YM me i'll reply as soon as i can.

    pasal writing tuh heheheh eyah same here, i mmg lah sesangat nak jadik writer sejak i jadik fulltime mom nih and i started with blogs too. bukan aper bila i dah tak kerja i jadik mcm cultural shock plak dok rumah tak tau nak bat aper so i make new online frens n surprisingly i met few nice ones n kawan till now. so u dont worry much. bila lonely cecepat u carik kawan2 n borak sekejap2 pun takper, dats how i handle my loneliness.

  2. Dear Lovely are a lovely person indeed!!! Thank you sssooo much...and don't be surprised if i'll be "talking" to you a lot..hehe..anyway, have to be a short one this time...till then, thanks again for your kind words and for being my first follower...gila happy ni!!!! take care...

  3. hhehehehe... definitly looking foward to ur "talking' to me time tuh heheh.. my pleasure lah beb! no worries soon u akan ader ramai readers nanti n more followers!
