Monday, March 29, 2010

spring break..

My kids are having their spring break for about two weeks, even though the weather today don't seem like spring time at all, it has been raining since last night and it is sssooo gloomy and depressing. The kids were watching TV and if I hadn't reminded them that they have some reading assignments to do, they would be in front of that box till night time. My son is really testing my patience now, he is dilly-dallying and making all sorts of excuses not to do his reading. Hmmm geram jugak nih...sabar!!!! My daughter okay sikit..rajin la jugak..

The reading system here is quite good, they don't just ask you to read the book, but they emphasize on stopping and thinking about the story and the kids are encouraged to have little post-its where they can jot down ideas or questions along the way. And instead of having tons of homework everyday like what I had waaaayyyy back then, they have a manageable amount of homework and a book a day to read. The interest of reading is being instilled at a very young age and also the critical thinking part of it. The kids also have writing classes, I mean I am so impressed that they are learning how to write a book starting at first grade. Also with the books they are reading, they learn the different techniques of writing books. I know that we also have essays and karangans in our school, but the method is a bit different and I think the kids are learning more through this system of "building" your story throughout the year. By the end of the year, the kids will be "publishing" their books. I wish I had that when I was in school..maybe I would be an award-winning writer by now...hehehe...

Don't stop wishing...


  1. hello..

    its true lah education kat abroad is so much advance than ours here.. contoh senang is playgroups or early education for babies n toddlers.. here everything is so expensive and tak meluas.. i searched lama sgt baru lah i jumpa yang sesuai ngan my baby Diya.. like my frens abroad kan they always gather among them like few days a week just to let their kids play together and they conduct da classes on their own.. here msian mom tak mcm tu lah.. almost everything u have to pay here n very expensive.

    but i have a fren who does everything on her own for her baby like looking for materials on da web, she even use online softwares to create e-book lah and all those learning dvds and apply it to her baby. at da age 1y++ her baby can read n pronounce clearly! i wish i can be as efficient as her hehe..

    back to ur story, yeah true reading asignments r very good and more organized & managable homework applies better to the kids.

  2. Wow..rajinnye your friend..i do envy people yang stay at home mom and really devote their time and energy to their for me, i do whatever i can and at times semangat to do all sorts of things but end up, not doing even half of them..but i am trying..:)
